Q: Why does it cost so much?

A: A large part of the conversion budget is parts. Used EV parts prices are rising as there is more demand form a limited supply. We also need to use new specialist control systems and as these are manufactured in small volumes they are relatively expensive. Along with this each conversion is unique and requires a lot of custom fabrication meaning they take a lot of man hours to complete.

The starting cost for a LEAF based conversion is £30,000 plus VAT

Q: How long does a conversion take?

A: Approximately 16 weeks – this assumes we do not need to carry out any work to the vehicle outside of the conversion.

Q: What range will the vehicle do once converted?

A: This has a lot of valuable in it. Firstly it depends on your budget – the greater the range means the larger the capacity of the batteries, and the larger the capacity means the cost increases. The more capacity you add to the battery the larger and heavier they are which means more custom fabrication to fit them.

Q: Can you convert my modern vehicle?

A: The answers here is yes up to a point due to two reasons. 1. The newer the car the more computers is has in it meaning it becomes more complex to integrate the conversion into the vehicle. This means the costs increase substantially and is why we focus on classics (Pre 1990 in most cases) 2. Re-registering a vehicle that was registered after 2000 as an EV in the UK is currently very difficult if not impossible.

We will add more Q&A items over time so keep checking back for updates.

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